Thursday, 2 January 2020

7 Daily Life Actions That Carry the Reward of Hajj

Hajj is one of the basic five pillars of Islam. It has been made compulsory for every eligible Muslim. In the previous time and also in such modern days everybody doesn’t have a capability of performing Hajj. Allah has set the rewards of some actions equal to Hajj for the ease of Muslims.

It is nice if you are able both physically and financially to book the best hajj packages. But if you can’t afford the cost of Hajj you can also get the rewards of Hajj by doing the following simple deeds in your daily life routine.

1. Be at a Gathering of Knowledge

If a person attends a gathering of people that teach the knowledge about the right things, it is equal to Hajj. As The Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H) said: “The one who goes out to the mosque wanting only to learn good or teach it has the reward of a complete Hajj.” (Al-Tabarani)

2. Remembering Allah Almighty from Fajar Prayer until Ishraq

The simplest act can be the source of getting rewards of a complete Umrah and Hajj. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, “Whoever prays Fajr in the congregation then sits remembering Allah until the sun rises, then prays two rak’ahs, will have a reward like that of Hajj and Umrah, complete, complete, complete.” (Tirmidhi)

3. Attend Congregational Prayer in the Mosque

The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said: “Whoever performs ablution (wudhu) in his house and then goes out to perform the obligatory prayer in the mosque has a reward similar to the reward of a Hajj pilgrim. Whoever goes out to perform the mid-morning prayer (Duhar) has a reward equal to the reward of the one Umrah performance.” (Abu Dawood)

4. Being Nice Towards Your Parents

The simplest act like being nice to our parents has a high level of rewards from Allah Almighty. This situation is described in a hadith. The Prophet (PBUH) commanded one of the Companions to be good to his mother. If you do so, He (PBUH) said: “You are a Hajj pilgrim, a person performing Umrah and someone striving for the sake of Allah (mujahid).”

5. Attending the Friday Prayer

Said ibn al-Musayyib of Madinah that was one of the most popular ‘Taba'een’ (generation succeeding the Sahaba). He once said performing the Friday Prayer is more beloved to me than a supererogatory Hajj.

6. Attending Eid Prayers

One of the companions of The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that “Going out to pray of Eid al-Fitr is equal to Umrah performance and going out to pray Eid al-Adha is equal to Hajj performance.”

7. Accomplishing the Needs of Your Brother or Sister

Once Hasan al-Basri said, “Going to fulfil the need of your brother is better for you than performing Hajj after Hajj.”

Islam is a religion that guides us at every point. It has many facilities for all Muslims. You can get the reward of Hajj by performing the above actions that are almost free. Every year millions of Muslims perform Hajj that is capable with the help of approved hajj agents UK.

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